Nathan Peck 



Bio: Sarcastic, daring, obnixious, brilliant and ballsy. Has done nearly amazing things and at the same time, the most supidest things. Average student, very athletic and 'big boned'.

Writing History: Wrote several fan fiction's for the Gears of War universe. Also wrote a few fan fictions for Batman, Frontlines and crafted some original unfinished ideas. Now a reviewer for and co-writer for Script Shooters.

Inspired Authors: Nathaniel Hawthorne, Bob Kane, Mark Twain, Richard Winters, Harry Turtledove.

Inspired Screenwriters: Christopher Nolan/Jonathan Nolan, Frank Darabont, George Lucas, Alex Kurtzman and Robert Orci.

Favorite Directors: Christopher Nolan, George Lucas, Steven Spielberg, Michael Mann and JJ Abrams.

Favorite Actors: Harrison Ford, Christian Bale, Morgan Freeman, Tom Hanks, Matthew Perry, Bruce Willis, Liam Neeson and Keifer Sutherland.

Favorite Actresses: Julia Roberts, Jennifer Aniston, Anne Hathaway, Evangline Lily, Emily Deschanel, Michelle Monaghan, Keira Knightley, Yvonne Strahovski and Jessica Alba(discluding acting)

Favorite Films: Saving Private Ryan, The Dark Knight, Batman Begins, The Shawshank Redemption, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, Star Trek: First Contact, Raiders of The Lost Ark, Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back and Heat.

 Contact: AIM(FamilyGuyFan507)


















Michael Dennos



 Bio: I also share a sarcastic sense of humor. Just ask my friends or family. I've been interested in writing for some time; over the past few years, I've written countless movie reviews, some fanfiction stories, and 1 screenplay adaptation. My head is full of movie ideas, and I hope to get these ideas in the form of a full-fledged script.

Writing History: 5 Pirates of The Carribean Fan Fiction, Harry Potter 6 Screenplay Adaptation and countless movie reviews.

Inspired Authors: JK Rowling, Jim Butcher, Clive Cussler, Dan Brown and John Grisham.

Inspired Screenwriters: Nolan Brothers, Ted Elliot, Terry Rossio, Alex Kurtzman and Robert Orci.

Favorite Directors: Christopher Nolan, Steven Spielberg, Tony Scott, Ridley Scott, Tim Burton and Martin Scorsese.

Favorite Actors: Tom Hanks, Johnny Depp, Morgan Freeman, Robert Downey Jr, Sean Connery, Ed Harris, Bruce Willis, Denzel Washington, Nicolas Cage, Leonardo DiCaprio and Kiefer Sutherland.

Favorite Actresses: Julia Roberts, Jennifer Aniston, Jennifer Love Hewitt(Based off looks), Meryl Streep, Kate Winslet, Jodie Foster, Keira Knightley, Michelle Monaghan and Rachel McAdams.

Favorite Films: Saving Private Ryan, Forest Gump, Raiders of The Lost Ark, The Godfather, A Beautiful Mind, Phildelphia, Se7en, Memento, The Truman Show, The Untouchables, The Shawshank Redemption and The Rock(1996)


























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